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Participate in regular group video chats with Dr. Lewis
Track your progress with our online weight tracker
One Month of Access
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Annual Plan
Access to the Slimming Station forums
Participate in regular group video chats with Dr. Lewis
Track your progress with our online weight tracker
One Year of Access
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$100 Savings!
One on One Plan
Access to the Slimming Station forums
Participate in regular group video chats with Dr. Lewis
Track your progress with our online weight tracker
Three Months of Access
Weekly scheduled phone consultation with Dr. Lewis
Online Details:
The Slimming Station Forum
Designed to help you follow Dr. Lewis’s earth-shattering diet through to completion. Once you have reached your goal weight you will never need to diet again, but for many people getting there requires motivational coaching. Dr. Lewis and members of the slimming station community will provide that coaching for you. Post your questions, receive help from others and provide support for each other. Together, we can help you achieve your weight-loss goal.
The Slimming Station Chats
Join Dr. Lewis in scheduled, moderated chats. Speak with him directly, ask questions, and help others find the motivation they need to maximize their own health.
Online Weight Tracking
Enter your weekly weight in your personal weight tracking page to see a chart showing your progress and compare yourself to the average program weight loss. Your weight tracking data is only viewable by yourself and The Slimming Station staff and Dr. Lewis will regularly provide feedback on your progress. You also have the option of including an automatically updated graphic on any site you want so that you can share your progress with others.